Design Thinking Training for Schools’ Students
Yalla Shabab Conference 2020
IBTECAR Team provided a training session titled “Design thinking” to students from The Ahliyyah & Bishop Schools and other Schools within the activities of Yalla Shabab Conference 2020.
The training focused on introducing Design Thinking Concepts and support the students to solve problems of different life challenges to achieve some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to produce innovative and new ideas with value.
Eight coaches from trained around 178 students who worked on 8 different challenges, where more than 35 creative ideas were produced in the first stage, and eight of them were eligible for the final stage.
The eight ideas were presented by each team and discussed with the jury, which selected three top winning ideas:
The First Place: Step by Step team about Affordable and Clean Energy SDG.
The Second Place: Al-Sawsneh Garden about Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG.
The Third Place: Vertical Farming about Climate Action SDG.