Idea Generation Workshop
As part of the collaboration with the Jordanian Engineers Association, Jamil Alkhatib has conducted a workshop on ideas generation for entrepreneurs during the startups training.
As part of the collaboration with the Jordanian Engineers Association, Jamil Alkhatib has conducted a workshop on ideas generation for entrepreneurs during the startups training.
Jamil Alkhatib Conducted the first workshop of Research to Innovation at the German Jordanian University on 13th of June, 2016 with the School of Applied Technical Science the first workshop of “Research to Innovation” for GJU academics. The workshop introduced some important aspects about the relation between Research, Technology and Innovation, and how to commercialize research results. It also gave information about... Read More
IBTECAR worked as a researcher for social entrepreneurship ecosystem, to identify support structures for social entrepreneurship and extend their services. IBTECAR conducted various interviews and desk research to identify the skills and capacity building needs of the organizations to enable them support refugees and migrants in Jordan. During the work on this project, IBTECAR identified activities to be conducted based... Read More
GJU Website wrote an article about their student who won in IoT Hackathon Competition GJU link Read More
IBTECAR Consulting and Expertise France in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development have launched a Social Innovation Challenge 2022 as part of the Civil Society Organization's Component of the Support to Social Protection in Jordan Programmed funded by the European Union. The youth-centered project aims to promote social innovation and build a sustainable community by employing the concept of social innovation which is concerned... Read More
IBTECAR is working as consulting & training provider for preparing, conducting the online training, for Social Enterprise support organizations specially in social business entrepreneurship fields. Desk research and interviews were conducted to identify the needed skills for the organizations followed by clustering the training needs and matched with the modules. Accordingly, IBTECAR submitted recommendations and proposals to hold a capacity... Read More
Thinking out of the box and creativity cannot be implemented by demand or asking the employees to. Human resources are complex and only suitable environment will help stimulating creativity. This workshop will discuss how creativity of employees can be stimulated through policies, methods and processes. Read More
Because IBTECAR cares about digital transformation and increasing the digital skills for the youth and entrepreneurs, IBTECAR Cooperated with IBM to provide the youth and entrepreneurs with the necessary skills for becoming a digital transformation expert through several extraordinary useful courses. Read More
The founder of IBTECAR Eng. Jamil Al-Khatib was the moderator of the panel “FROM THE INTERNET OF THINGS TO THE INTERNET OF EVERYTHING” at MENA ICT forum 2018. The panelists were: Jamil Asfour, Omar Christidis, Founder & CEO, ArabNet Haidar Fraihat, Director of the Technology for Development Division at ESCWA Asma Shabab, Marketing Leader, Watson Internet of Things; Middle East, Africa... Read More
Eng. Jamil Khatib contribution to the discussion panel at Jordan Packaging Exhibition 2019 with the session "Innovation in Packaging as a gate to international markets" Thanks to the جمعية مستثمري شرق عمان الصناعية and المركز الوطني للتعبئة والتغليف - Jopack. Partnership: EAIIA & Jopack Date & place: 11-4-2019 Read More
It was a pleasure to share engineering graduate and undergraduate students from all Jordan universities at a session that organized by Turbo Team at ACI on Saturday 22-8-2018 , to talk about IoT and Industry 4.0 and what engineers should learn about these future terms. Read More