Design thinking

Portfolio Description

Description :

Design thinking refers to creative strategies designers use during the process of designing. It is also an approach to resolve issues outside of professional design practice, such as in business and social contexts. Design thinking in business uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.

The workshop organized by IBTECAR for Shamal Start participants aimed to enable the participants to

  • Acquire a deep understanding of the Design Thinking principles, process and tools
  • Apply the Design Thinking methodology and tools to generate ideas and co-create an improved customer experience journey
  • Gain strategies for synthesizing user research and identifying opportunities
  • Improve personal effectiveness by becoming a more empathetic entrepreneur/innovator

Partner: Shamal Start  &  iPark 

Date & place : 10/3/2018 , Shamal start

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