
Bedaya Program

Bedaya Program (Palestine, 2012) is one of the Palestinian Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI) projects funded by USAID and CISCO. The Program will tap into global resources, mentors, and market makers; to assist high potential Palestinian ICT ventures, to accelerate growth and new market outcomes. Recordings of some workshops Workshops materials http://www.slideshare.net/BedayaPICTI Jamil was the program manager of Bedaya and was responsible for - Overall coordination of Bedaya project and delivery of the KPIs (assessment, roadmaps, sales campaign support,...

SRTD Program

Support to Research and Technological Development and Innovation Initiatives and Strategies in Jordan Project (SRTD) (2008-2010) is an EU funded project through ENPI. Some presentations,workshops and training programs delivered during the SRTD project are available here  http://www.slideshare.net/SRTD Jamil was mainly responsible for the Technology Transfer element of the project. Jamil as a local expert was responsible for - Support the development of a national Technology Transfer Program - Support the establishment of 11 Jordanian Technology Transfer Offices - Support Industry Research Link assessment - Perform assessments...