
Introduction to Digital Transformation for SMEs

We are delighted to share that Mr. Jamil AlKhatib, the esteemed founder of IBTECAR Consulting, will be a distinguished speaker in an upcoming online panel discussion on Introduction to Digital Transformation for SMEs. The online panel discussion provides insights and strategies to drive success in the digital era and offers an excellent opportunity for SME owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals to gain firsthand knowledge from industry leaders and experts. By embracing Digital Transformation, SMEs can unlock new avenues for innovation, improve customer...

Design Thinking for SDGs

It is our pleasure to contribute to the Global Goals Local Actions (GGLA) Project where Mr. Jamil Alkhatib, the visionary founder of IBTECAR Consulting delivered a session on design thinking to the workshop participants on the 26th of May at the GJU Jabal Amman Campus. The atmosphere was buzzing with the energy of youth social entrepreneurs, all eager to explore the power of Design Thinking as a tool to develop sustainable solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Mr. Alkhatib's...

Introduction to Digital Transformation in the Banking Sector

IBTECAR Consulting, in collaboration with the Palestinian Banking Institute recently conducted an engaging and insightful Introductory Session on Digital Transformation tailored specifically for the banking and financial services sector. During this session, Mr. Jamil AlKhatib covered topics related to Digital Transformation, showcasing real-life cases from the banking sector. The session’s aim was to shed light on the crucial aspects of the digital transformation mindset, strategies, and readiness models. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of customer-centered design principles while developing robust Digital...

Support Innovation in Intellectual Property

Description: Eng. Jamil Akhatib providing a training session titled “Support Innovation in Intellectual Property” to studnets from BITTCOIN-Jo Jordanian partner universities at TAG-Knowledge Forum Partner: BITTCOIN-Jo Jordanian partner universities and TAG-Knowledge Forum Date & place: 3/11/2019,  TAG-Knowledge Forum


IBTECAR, in collaboration with the Tank by Umniah organized four ideathons for this year: The first Ideathon at The Tank by Umniah – 10 Teams The Second Ideathon at The Hashemite University (in collaboration with KAFD) - 8 Teams The Third Ideathon at The University of Jordan (in collaboration with UJIEC) – 9 Teams The Fourth Ideathon at The Tank by Umniah – 13 Teams To enable entrepreneurs and innovators move their creative Hi-techs ideas into realizable products. 40 teams participated...

Entrepreneurship and Innovation training session

Entrepreneurship and Innovation training session at Islamic Educational College الكلية العلمية الإسلامية for Grade 8 and 9 boys was conducted by Mr. Jamil Alkhatib with more than 60 Students from Islamic Educational College-American Program - Jabal Amman. We are very proud in our cooperation!   Partner: Islamic Educational College-American Program   Date & place: 27/10/2019, IEA     

Innovation in Public Sector

Innovation in Public Sector 2-day training session was conducted by Mr. Jamil Alkhatib at المركز الوطني للبحوث الزراعية National Agricultural Research Center this week, to support and motivate the employees for innovation and creativity in the company, with more than 22 participants. The training covered various innovation case studies in the Administrative and Public Sector Field, the tools and techniques of creativity and idea creation, mechanism and evaluation of creative ideas, as well as practical applications to communicate the ideas. We are very...

Impact week

Impact Week Jordan 2019 - an innovation and entrepreneurship program with various international practitioners from Lufthansa and SAP among others ( Help logistics, SPARK Jordan سبارك الأردنالجامعة الألمانية الأردنيـــة German Jordanian UniversityGoethe-InstitutHelp AllianceGJU PIE - Program Innovation & EntrepreneurshipUmniahThe Tank by Umniah, Oxfam and SAXEED.JET) - has officially ended with more 150 participants (coaches and students). After 8 days of continuous working and training, the first Impact Week ever in the Middle East was a huge success...

Innovation in Packaging training

Description:  Innovation in Packaging training was conducted by Mr. Jamil Alkhatib in collaboration with Euro-Jordanian Advanced Business Institute (EJABI) and National Fund For Enterprise Support (NAFES) in the first week of September 2019. More than 8 companies from different sectors like food, cosmetics, medical and industrial sectors were engaged in the training and explored different areas of innovations and trends in packaging through design thinking, 3D printing and smart packaging. The training covered various activities and innovation case studies that indicated the package is no...

IoT Ambassadors Gathering

7 months goes after the IoT Innovation Program Ambassadors launching, 7 months full of hard working, promotion, training, reporting and following up it's the time for a quick gathering to discuss the previous period of the program and redo our plan for the coming period. IBTECAR completed the gathering included many activities and tools aim to improving the team working, leadership and solving problem moderated by Eng. Sarah Al-Omari and Eng. Lubna Mutawe’a. Partner:  The Tank By Umniah Date & place: 5-9-2019 ,...